All photos and written works copyrighted sstaas. All rights reserved.
Here was I moaning that Spring had not quite arrived! Lo and behold, the other day I went down the steps from our deck to the backyard. Guess what I saw?
A beautiful bird's nest, complete with an equally beautiful egg.
The location of the nest isn't very secure, in my opinion, for any squirrel or cat can climb the steps and access the nest. And, since the mother bird was nowhere to be seen I assumed that the nest had perhaps been abandoned.
Not so. We were out of town for a few days, and when we got back, I sneaked a peek at the nest. Guess what I saw?! A mama bird sitting there quite peacefully. Well, she was peaceful until she noticed me. She flew off and yelled at me. Guess how many eggs there are now? Three! I wanted to take a photo of the three eggs, but with the mama bird being so upset, I quietly moved away so as not to disturb the nest.
Now, I've been wanting to take a photo of this nest for the past 24 hours. Just a few minutes ago I tip-toed out and took a picture of the nest with the mama bird sitting in it. She didn't mind. So, I ran inside to get my better camera and dashed out to the backyard to take another photo. Oops. The mama bird was furious! She flew away, yelling at the top of her lungs. I ran up the steps to the deck and managed to take a quick photo of the eggs. You can only see two of them.
I don't know how we're supposed to use the steps, or the deck, or the patio below, for that matter, whilst the mama bird is taking care of her nest. She'll be so upset anytime we're close to the nest. Even putting the cars in the garage could upset her.
Gosh. What to do?
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