Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fresh Fruit Tart and Mowing the Lawn

Would you like a piece of this frightfully fruity fresh fruit tart? Bet you would.
Full of vitamins and antioxidants, it's just soooo good for you. Something tells me it will be gone in minutes.

Temperatures have been all the way up to 92 degrees. That's Fahrenheit, not centigrade, in case you are alarmed that we may not survive such ridiculously high temperatures. But, it's still definitely hot, even in Fahrenheit.

Seems just about everybody is cutting their grass. That happens in the suburbs. One person gets the lawn mower out, and the next thing other neighbours are out zooming around manicuring their lawns as well. The grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it? So, we all need to keep our grass trimmed, fertilized and really, really green!

Five things to do instead of cutting the grass:

1. Go back to bed and take a nice long nap. Maybe you'll dream about cutting the grass.

2. Peek outside at the neighbours who are mowing their lawns. Pretend they are really mowing your lawn.

3. Check to see if your lawn mower needs fuel. You never know, maybe there isn't any gas left. Great excuse for not mowing the lawn!

4. Check the weather forecast. Gosh, those huge rain showers out in California could be here in the east coast really soon.

5. Have a slice of this frightfully fruity frest fruit tart. Yum. Yum.

Which would you prefer to do? Mow the lawn or partake of this delicious tart?


  1. Hi. I loved the photos and your sense of humor!
    Good luck with the grass,

  2. Hi Meryl,

    Thank you for your comment.

    We haven't had much rain lately. Means the grass isn't growing so much! Yeah!


Thank you for your comment.