All photos copyrighted sstaas. All rights reserved.
How do we say the new year? Twenty eleven or two thousand and eleven? I've been hearing both ways lately. What's more to the point is that the first of January is really just another day. As was the thirty first of December, despite all the festivities throughout the world at midnight. The squirrels on my deck don't know what day it is, nor do the birds, nor the deer, nor the chipmunks. And they all get by quite the thing. These Highland Cows probably never think for a moment what day it is, let alone what year it is.
So why do we humans have this need to know what day, month, year we are in? As if Time doesn't go by on its own without our measuring and defining it. Time really doesn't need us to validate itself. I guess we're the ones who need to be validated.
And what about our attempts at making new year's resolutions?! We should be making resolutions all year long, not just on the first of January. Don't you agree?
Excuse me whilst I jump up and down five hundred times, clean the floor, polish the furniture as well as my teeth and my scabby feet. I may even take up ironing again! One resolution I made a few years ago was never to iron again. I guess that's one nice thing about a new year - we get to change our minds, make up our minds, and then change them all over again!
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