Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What Mirage and What is Surreal?

It's been ever so hot and humid here in the suburbs. Sweat drips and drips and ice cream melts on the driveway. Even the planes seem to have stopped flying. Now, that is almost surreal. We're near a major airport and we hear airplanes taking off on a regular basis. I haven't heard any airplane today at all. Where are they all?!

Perhaps the heat is making me hard of hearing, as well as making me slide across the room!

I was up at the local shopping center earlier today, trying to look tall, slim and tanned as I pretended that the heat didn't bother me one bit. There, on display outside of one of the stores, were scarecrows. At first I thought it was a mirage. Yep, guess it's time to get ready for Halloween? It's still the month of August. Don't you think it's a teeny wee bit early to have Halloween stuffy stuff in the shops?

Halloween in August? Soon there will be Christmas stuff in the shops!

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