Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Parade

We went for a run in the country to a small town north of here. They were having a big parade, and the whole town was lining the main street, awaiting this annual event.

Two policemen directed the traffic. Both imitating one another with their hand signals, and getting confused in the process!

I'm surprised the cars just didn't bang into one another. At first it looked as if the road was blocked off, based on the hand signals of the two policemen. Odd, to be blocking off the road. I think drivers thought so too, but turned left anyhow, instead of going straight.

All this entertainment came to a head when a lone bagpiper strutted down the road, his kilt swirling back and forth. What a noise was coming from the bagpipes!  He really did play quite well, if you like bagpipes, that it is.

Part of the parade was a horse drawn hearse. Guess it's historical.

There were politicians as well in the parade.

As well as a great big fire truck

and farm equipment.

We got talking to a local person who lives up in the hills. He was telling us about his two children who are learning flute and drums at school. They also are into sports. I asked him if they teach Spanish at the school, and he answered, "Well, sure. I think. I mean they teach academics too."

Great to hear that!