Time for Spring cleaning. What a big box! And what's in it? Lots of stuff. Belts, papers, stuffed animals, drawings,etc. Want to see more? Bet you just have this huge, overpowering desire to rummage to the bottom of the box! I know someone who did.
It's time to toss things out, yet maybe keep a few items. But we get stuck, mesmerized by the sheer variety of objects. Memorabilia from elementary school, karate classes. old photos, old e mails, all keep us fascinated as we gaze on days long gone when we were all so much younger.
"Aw. There's your first birthday card."
"You kept it all those years?"
"I also kept the shawl someone knitted for you when you were born."
"Look at the pencil case!"
"You were six years old when I bought you it."
"What's inside? Hmm. A photo."
"Let's make three piles. One for things you really, really, really want to keep. Another for things you don't care about at all, and a third pile for objects you sort of want to keep but aren't too sure."
De-cluttering is part of Feng Shui. So they say. And if you decorate your house in the Feng Shui style harmony and well-being will be yours. You might even become rich, or fall in love, if you arrange your house in the Feng Shui way. But, maybe that's taking Spring cleaning a bit too far. I'll be happy just dusting away cobwebs
and gazing on memorabilia.